Igotz Mendez — Musician.

Name and Occupation.

Igotz Mendez, musician.

Artwork or piece with which you feel most satisfied or that you believe best represents you.

Without a doubt, the work of which I am most proud is by Amodioa, our first full-length and which is like our son. If I had to choose a song from the album it would be Handia because of what both the song and the video mean to me, it was literally fulfilling a dream.

Your first work.

When I was 17 years old I ventured out and published an EP of 4 songs titled myopia, which we later downloaded from the networks and I decided to keep it for myself, this is the cover.

Recommend us a book, a movie and a song.

Book: Bar Gloria by Nerea Ibarzabal
Movie: The Charm of the Hedgehog, I recently saw it again after a lot of years and it is beautiful.
Song: I Have a Passenger - Permanent Paralysis

El encanto del erizo
Tengo un pasajero - Paralisis permanente

3 podcasts or radio programs you would recommend.

Our darkness, a radio program that two colleagues do, everything that the radiorelativa group does
Autotune or barbarism

3 Instagram profiles that you would recommend.


TV series you are currently watching.

I'm trying to finish The White Lotus,  let's see if I have time and can finish it.

Next country/city you would like to travel to and why.

I have always had a great desire to travel to Mexico, the truth is that I don't really know why but it has always caught my attention, I consider it my mecca.

Person you would like to see taking this quiz.


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