Visual Stories — Jabier Rodríguez
Graphic designer and illustrator

Name and Occupation.
Jabier Rodríguez. Graphic designer and illustrator.

Artwork or piece with which you feel most satisfied or that you believe best represents you.
In our previous house, our sitting room was a "living room". We watched TV with only a two-metre gap haha. The story is that we didn't have room to have a coffee table, but I always wanted to reuse a picture I had painted for an exhibition that Maialen Arocena and I did: "A fun exhibition.” It's not so much the result as having managed to make a piece with a real functionality beyond the visual.

Your first work.
I think I was 11 years old, I had bought my first can of paint in the shop Old School on Paseo Nuevo. At that time we were always skating on the concrete ramp in Áraba park or Amara park, and my first work consisted of doing a piece in pink dots on the back of the ramp of a guy that if memory serves was called MR. FAT. The man saw the whole thing, and after giving me a good scolding he ended up taking a photo with me and my friends. I've never been able to find him, but I'd love to meet him, I owe him a piece.
Recommend us a book, a movie and a song.
Book: Cornelius: The Happy Life of the Sad Dog Cornelius, by Marc Torices. Each page and every tonal shift by Torices is a delight, and the use of typography and the advertisements he sneaks in between the comics are pure magic. Then again, you can't stop cursing at the protagonist.

Film: Death Race 2000. I think it has pretty much everything.
Song: "Lurzoru hotzetik" by Arrotzak, from Getaria / Lasarte (Cover of Paula Estévez)

Author whose works you never miss.
Leo Hallin, a Swedish illustrator and animator. I've been following him for a while now, and every time he updates his Instagram, which he does quite often, he makes my day. @leolyxxx
3 podcasts or radio programs you would recommend.
1_ Carántula.
2_ Breaking the rules.
3_ Todopoderosos
3 Instagram profiles that you would recommend.
1_ @criminalsimpsons
2_ @simpsons_graphic_design
3_ @simpsonslostandfound
TV series you are currently watching.
I'm always watching Seinfeld, when it's over I start it again.
Next country/city you would like to travel to and why.
Portugal. I need to take a closer look at the whole graffiti scene.

Person you would like to see taking this quiz.
Mikel Remak, I'm sure he has interesting things to say.
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Graphic designer and illustrator