Illustrator and visual artist

Name and Occupation.
Maialen Arocena, illustrator and visual artist.

Artwork or piece with which you feel most satisfied or that you believe best represents you.

I feel better painting or drawing when I do it freely, when I don't have a deadline, when it's not work. My travel sketchbooks are a reflection of drawing for the sake of it. And I love them. I’ve been completing notebooks since I was 16 years old, and they’re a reflection of me and my experiences.

Your first work.

My first work was on the shutter of my father's garage, in 2009.

Recommend us a book, a movie and a song.

Book: Atraviésame of Andrea Ganuza.

Film: Parásitos

Song:  Tshegue – Sing my song. I love African rhythms.

Author whose works you never miss.
Sebastián, with his Libri Finti Clandestini project. It's pure magic, and I really don't want to miss a thing.

3 podcasts or radio programs you would recommend.

Le bon mix. a radio program to listen to music from radio stations around the world.
La ruina

3 Instagram profiles that you would recommend.


TV series you are currently watching.
Sex and the City, I often play it in the background while I'm drawing.

Next country/city you would like to travel to and why
I would like to go back to Portugal. Lisbon and then down to the Algarve area. To be able to enjoy the city, the art and the night life, but also to have the beach, peace and quiet.

Person you would like to see taking this quiz.

Raquel Pratz, always has interesting references.

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