A space for dissemination and experimentation on the future of fashion.

Name and Occupation.

Laura Marchante and Libe Kerroum from Estudio Bokashi

Artwork or piece with which you feel most satisfied or that you believe best represents you.

We don’t work with products, what we do is to spread the word about sustainability and regenerative fashion by organising meetings, workshops, talks and events. What’s most important for us focusing on upcycling, textile self-sufficiency and textile practices such as the use of natural dyes and biomaterials.

Your first work.

The first thing we did was to hold an exhibition for three weeks in the Ensanche building in Bilbao. This was an opportunity to encourage the public to stop for a moment and consider how much they really know about the whole production process behind a garment and the material it’s made of, right from the very beginning until they’re holding it in their hands. To complement this work on raising awareness we organised screenings and workshops centred on designers and projects that are aimed at developing positive practices.

Recommend us a book, a movie and a song.

Book: Braiding Sweetgrass: indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants.
Film: Fantastic Fungi
Song:  Soy Una Nube, Elia y Elizabeth


Author whose works you never miss.

We love the One Army collective and all the different projects they launch: Fixing Fashion (textile care, repair and customisation) // Precious Plastic (plastic recycling and open source design) // Project Kamp (creating a self-sufficient community)

3 podcasts or radio programs you would recommend

We can’t wait - there’ll soon be four of them! Deforme Semanal Ideal TotalLa ScriptEl Bosque Habitado and to get know the stories behind local creative projects: Crrraq!

3 Instagram profiles that you would recommend.

New Make Labo, a community centred around fashion, sustainability and the world of DIY world in Japan. Dogwood Dyer, a story with tutorials on natural dyeing. You’ll want to do it all, all the time! And Carro de Combate, independent journalism for making sure you’re up to date on the environmental and social impact of different industries, such as the textile business.

TV series you are currently watching.

Las largas sombras

Next country/city you would like to travel to and why

Japan. For its love of celebrating all things natural, for the calm, ceremonious rhythm of life, the veneration of the past, and the respect for the elderly.

Person you would like to see taking this quiz.

Ainhoa Artetxe, actress.

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